Friday, March 20, 2009

How to find rss contnet

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Maybe I’m a little late to the party here, but here’s someting i had no idea about.

If you’re looking for RSS feeds to augment your content, try the Microsoft Live Search Feeds…

Plonk your keyword in the box, and get back a list of RSS feeds which use those keywords.


Simple PHP Google Bot Cloaking Script

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This is a really basic cloaking script - it cloaks the googlebot useragent so you can serve one type of content to the google bots, and a different type to your visitors.

OK, so quickly, what is cloaking?

Cloaking is, in a nutshell, serving one piece of content to one person, and another piece of content to someone else, based on predetermined factors.

Despite what Google would have you believe, not all cloaking is evil. Google actually do it themselves when they direct those of us outside the US to our local version of their search engine ( for me here in Oz)

So why would you want to serve different content to different people? Well, for one, you could serve different content to people living in the US, to what you serve people in Australia, as Google do. Another reason might be to serve different content to people using different browsers (or just send all IE users to a page telling them to get a real browser ;-) )

There are basically (off the top of my head) around half a dozen pieces of information I can get about you when you visit my site:

I can get your browser user agent - this will generally tell me the web browser and version you are using, and your operating system and version..

I can get your IP address

I can get the site you came to mine from.

Based on these three factors, there’s an awful lot of information I have to work with, but those are posts for another day, today, we’re going to talk about cloaking the Googlebot.

Disclaimer - this cloak is not even close to being bulletproof - google is well known to change their user agent, as well as having manual reviewers going over sites with different user agents, so if you intend to play around with this, do it on a domain you don’t care about. If you’re serious about cloaking, you need to get hold of an up-to-date list of bot IP addresses, and they don’t come cheap!

Now on to the code: (When you copy and paste the sript into your text editor, you’ll need to go through and replace all the quotes, wordpress screws them up)

$useragent = $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'];

$google = “Googlebot”;

if (strstr($useragent, $google)) {








Now let’s go through it line by line:

$useragent = $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'];
This line gets the user agent string from your visitor

$google = “Googlebot”;
Set the variable $google with the value “Googlebot” (The term “Googlebot” appears in the Google Bot’s user agent string)

if (strstr($useragent, $google)) {
Here we’re using the PHP strstr function to find out whether the user agent contains the string “Googlebot”

Here we place the code we want to execute if the visitor is the Googlebot. You’d place your keyword stuffed content or whatever here. You need to create another file called our-keyword-stuffed-bot-content.php or whatever to be executed here

Here we place our nice looking page that we want our actual, human visitors to see.

So what’s the point of all this?

In theory, you can stuff your our-keyword-stuffed-bot-content.php full of keywords you want to rank for, the bot will see your high keyword density copy, and rank your page accordingly (anybody who says keyword stuffing doesn’t work any more hasn’t tried it recently), then, when actual human people click that high ranking link in the search engine, they will be presented with your the-content-we-want-our-visitors-to-see.php page, which will be a nice page with normal text on it.

I’m sure you can see the potential benefits of this…

How to Autopost to Blogger

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Yes, you can autopost to blogspot (blogger) blogs with php, and it’s a lot easier than you might think.

Similar to the way that plugins like wp-o-matic work for automatically posting rss feeds to Wordpress blogs, you can have a blogger blog which is automatically populated with RSS feed content, at intervals that you determine (by a cron job).

Blogger blogs allow the blogs owner to post via email, so we’re going to use PHP’s mail function to post new content, and PHP’s SimpleXML to gather the content before posting.

Firstly, we need to set up our blogger blog to accept emailed posts: We need to go to our settings page in Blogger, and click the “Settings” tab at the top. Then click the “email” button.

You’re now at the Email settings page, look for the Mail-to-Blogger Address. Here you just need to enter a password (in the box before the “”) that you’ll use in your emails to post to the blogger blog.

Once you’ve chosen your password, write down the email address, as this is the email address we’ll be using in the PHP script to tell it where to post the rss feed to.

Now on to the script:

//Your Blog’s Keyword:
$keyword = “keyword”;

//How many articles do you want to grab each time?
$num = 5;

//Get the RSS Feed - In this instance, we’re using a google blogsearch feed based on our chosen keyword
$feed = simplexml_load_file(”” .urlencode($keyword). “&ie=utf-8&num=10&output=rss”);

//Loop through our keywords
foreach ($feed->channel->item as $item) {

if($i < $num){

//Have a bit of a rest so we’re not posting too fast to our blogger blog

$title = $item->title;
$title = str_replace(””, “”, $title);
$subject = str_replace(”
”, “”, $title);
$link = $item->link;

$description = $item->description;
$description = str_replace(””, “”, $description);
$body = str_replace(”
”, “”, $description);

//put our secret blogger email address here:
$to = “”;

//ignore this line - the script just needs something in the “From” field.
$headers = ‘From:’;

//Send the email / How’d we go?
if(mail($to, $subject, $body, $headers)) {
echo $subject. ” - sent
echo $subject. ” - NOT sent

//add one to our counter



7 way to make money online

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1.Make Money with Auctions
Make money online with online auctions is one of the 20th and 21st century's most reliable, true and tested, home businesses. Simply buy low, sell high and take the difference to supplement your income. Thousands of people sell on eBay or other online auctions web sites as a full time job and make well over 6 figures.
We've compiled the best resources and information on the internet for your use. If you would like to make money online with online auctions start here.
2.Make Money by Blogging
One of the most popular ways to make money online lately has been blogging. If you are not familiar with blogging it's basically the process of keeping an online journal that others can read. If you write something interesting enough times, your readers will grow and so will your income.
Blogging for money might sound easy enough (in some aspects it is) but, like any method make money online, it takes determination, dedication, and a true desire to make some good money. Not everyone can do it but if you think you have what it takes to make money online with your own blog click here.
3.Make Money with Paid Surveys
While not one of the most profitable of home businesses, Paid Surveys are simple and easy to do and Yes, you can make money online with them. You can make four or five dollars a pop, which can add up especially if you do a few paid surveys each day in your spare time.
We've broken down each of the paid survey web sites and companies, compiled a the most useful list of articles and guides, all in an attempt to allow you to start making money with paid surveys.
4.Make Money with Affiliate Programs
Making money with Affiliate Programs is the process of making "feeder" web sites that drive traffic to various affiliate programs or products. Affiliate programs offer a lot more money than most advertising methods and starting your own feeder web sites is relatively easy to do.
The best news is that we have done all the hard work for you. Read our affiliate reviews and get a real world example on a successful affiliate marketing website. We've even broken down how you can easily make your own feeder web sites and optimize them so they rank well in the search engines.
5.Make Money with eBooks
Either selling your own ebooks or reselling others, making money with ebooks is one of the newer home business models available. Not everyone can make it work but those that do really make it big.
If you want to write your own ebooks, we will show you how to get started and how to market them so you can get the best return on your investment (ROI) possible. If you don't have the author bug, you can still make a healthy living selling other people's ebooks. You can start making money with ebooks in a few hours.
Make Money with Web Sites
Making your own web sites has never been easier for the average computer user. In fact, with free web site templates and free hosting companies, you can make a website in just a few hours. The good thing about making money with web sites is that you can get multiple streams of income from a single web site.
Once you are proficient at making your own web sites, you can even freelance as a professional web designer! We will take you through the ins and outs of making your own web sites and turning them into automatic profit generating machines. Earn some good cash building web sites.
6.Make Money Freelancing
Most of us have a full time "day job" or if not, at least have had one. Chances are, whatever you are doing or have done in the past, can be done at home or online. If you are wanting to take your skill sets and strike out on your own, you are in the right place. is determined to help you with your success in freelancing! We have some of the best resources and information to get started freelancing today.
7.Make Money Typing at Home
We have all seen ads on T. V. about medical transcriptionists making money from home. However, there are literally hundreds of other typing jobs available for the finger happy typist in you.
Start by finding any work you can get typing from home and then develop your home career, increase your reputation and your prices.
We will take you through some of the more common home typing opportunities available and do what we can to ensure your success.

How to Earn Blog Money

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Guest post by Peter Lastoria

If you want to blog to make money then you must know what you want your blog to be about. Blogging is a wonderful thing that the internet gave to the people so we can all share our ideas and knowledge without having to pay for it.

The first thing you want to know is what topic you want to blog about. It could be anything at all and the more specific it is, the better results you can get. I will explain why in a second. So it would make sense to blog about an interest or passion you have. Maybe you enjoy playing guitar so you should blog about guitar lessons. Trust me it works wonders.

Now once you know your topic you must research to see what the balance of supply and demand is. Meaning how many people want to learn about this topic, and how many websites are providing the information. I find the most efficient way of doing this is to use a keyword tool. You should go to Google and use their Adwords tool. Type in your topic and be specific. Then go down the list of keywords. It makes it so easy a little kid can do it. It is best to pick a keyword that has a lot of people searching for it but not as much competition. That means if you use that keyword that must be relevant to your topic. You can eventually get a lot of those people who want to learn about the topic because you will be one of the few supplying it and your blog will get ranked high on SEs. Make sense? So use a few keywords that have little competition but a descent amount of people wanting to learn about it. Use them in your title, keywords section, or description. That is what blogging to make money is all about!

So once you have an excellent topic that has a good (we will call it) supply/demand ratio you have got the hard part over with. Now time to blog to make money. Write a lot of rich content about your passion or interest and let your fingers do the typing. Content is King! You also want to make sure you post regularly. Just do at least one post a day.

Now in order to make some money you want to post some ads relevant to your topic. So the easiest ways to do this is to find companies that produce products relevant to your blog. Sign up for their affiliate program and use their banners and the link you get and post on your blog. Also get some Adsense, and do not worry because Adsense automatically has ads relevant to your site. So that is just a simple outline to blog to make money.

Finally you are going to want to spread the word about your blog. There are several ways of doing this. Post articles just like you would in your blog to article directories like e-zine articles. Go on forums that have something to do with your topic and leave a comment with your link at the end. Basically just go to as many SEs and directories as you can and post your link so people will visit your site.


5 Quick Online Money Making Tips to Use Now

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Guest post by Jeff Wason

Are you looking to start a new business on the internet? There are a few things you should keep in mind as it can be confusing when you first start out. Here are a few tips to make sure your online money making efforts go smoothly.

1. Think about the market that you want to be in. Making money on the Internet always comes down to providing a service or product that somebody needs. The real key is that you're in a market where people are spending money so you have a chance to get some of it!

2. Consider the product that you are going to sell. Some people sell themselves and provide a service there is a need for it.

For example building websites is something you can earn money doing for other people. There will always be a demand for websites on the Internet.

Solving people's problems will always give you the upper hand when it comes to the product you sell. People go online researching information for questions they have.

If you can provide a product that answers questions you have a much better chance of turning your online money making dreams into an Internet income of your own.

3. Create an online presence including a blog. As a matter of fact the term website and blog are now being used interchangeably because so many people are bypassing the traditional website in favor of a blog.

Social media has become a big part of our Internet culture and a blog gives you an excellent chance to participate in it in multiple ways. For example things you can include in your blog include articles, graphics, audio, video, and so on.

4. Spend the majority of your time marketing your business once you have set up. Many people make the mistake of constantly fiddling with the design of their website or blog.

They also make the mistake of surfing the Internet and having a good time when they really should be working. You will never make any money unless you get visitors coming to your site and purchasing something. The only way to do that is to create a strong advertising and marketing campaign.

5. Focus like you have never focused before. It's very easy to get distracted on the Internet and constantly jump around from product to product. The real key to making money online is to focus on selling one product and make it profitable before taking on another one.

In summary this is five quick online money making tips you should follow to ensure your own Internet business success!

How to Make Money Online with an Effective Article Marketing Campaign

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Article marketing is one of the effective ways you can use to promote businesses and make money online. It involves submitting articles to article directories so that you can build links and drive traffic to your website and subsequently convert the traffic into income.

When you use article marketing to promote your online business or website, you must keep in mind that the most important part of your entire article marketing campaign is your resource box. This is where you can place a short description about yourself and your online business as well as a link to your website. Without publishing a link to your online business website, your article marketing campaign will be useless in reaching your goal of making money online. However, this is not to say that you should focus your attention on what you publish in your resource box as there are also some very important elements you must keep in mind when publishing articles to make your entire article marketing campaign successful.

For an article marketing campaign to be successful in driving traffic to your online business website so that you can make money online, you must be sure that every article you publish will impress your readers. Keep in mind that internet users are always hungry for information. For this reason, the articles you publish for your article marketing campaign should not just be well-written and easy to read but also interesting and informative. If you are able to catch the attention of your readers through the content that you publish, they will be more likely to click the link that is located in your resource box and allow you to make money online out of them.

Other than publishing a good number of good quality articles, you must make use of the right keywords so that search engines will index them appropriately and your target market will easily find them. Make use of a few of relevant keywords in each of your articles but be sure to use them correctly.

Once you have already written your articles and are ready to submit them to article directories, be sure that you are familiar with the guidelines of each directory you want to make use of in your article marketing campaign. Each directory has its own rules and you must follow them so your articles will not be rejected.

As long as you follow the tips above you can be sure that your online business will be able to make money out of your article marketing campaign.

How Do You Earn Money Online When You Have None To Start With?

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Guest post by Dean Cullingham

Everyone knows that the best way to be successful in your chosen business is to promote it to as many people as possible. This will usually be done in the form of advertising. Either by posters, leaflets, newspapers, radio, TV or even good old 'word of mouth'. Exactly the same goes for making a success of your online business. This is no real problem to an established online marketeer. The secret is to try and reach a fresh audience who are looking for the opportunity or product that your site provides. But, what if you're just starting out and you have no money to get yourself started. What do you do?

Do not give up. Plenty of people have been successful even when starting with nothing, it just takes a little time. In fact the only thing that you need to get started is an internet connection, computer (obviously) and some time. You also need a goal. It could be to earn just a few extra bucks each month or to provide your family income for life.

Step One: Building a Website
The fact that you're reading this article shows you already have the right idea. Get yourself a website. Using your favorite search engine look for 'free blog site' or 'free website'. When you find one that you like the look of sign up and give it a try. Spend some time adding content and customizing it the way you like it. Remember that the content you add should be unique (do not duplicate or copy other sites). This will help you in the long run get a better page ranking and more visitors to your site. Once you are happy with you site you need to promote it.

Step Two: Getting Your Site Noticed
Not as easy as it used to be because there are so many sites competing for attention. If you create a site, add lots of content and update it fairly often it will eventually get noticed by the search engines but this can take many months or even years. So how do you help the process along? Fortunately this needs nothing more than a little time and effort. Simply start adding articles and comments on popular websites with a link back in your signature to your website. If you wrote and submitted a new (again must be unique) article twice a week and posted it on some popular blogs you would effectively have around 100 links back to your site after 12 months. This has two major benefits. Firstly people who check out the blogs may see your article and follow your link directly and secondly the search engines will do exactly the same. When they find lots of links to your site and the number is increasing they will deduce that your site is popular and give your site a higher ranking. Even just adding a few links will start the process off.

Step Three: Getting Your Site to Earn Some Money
This is where things get interesting. This essentially means selling advertising on your site. There are many articles on the web that can give specific details. The easiest to use are the 'ready made advertising campaigns' run by the big search engines and other organizations. Simply sign up and paste the code that they provide onto your site. You can also sell space directly to local businesses if you want too. If your site is interesting, has enough content and enough visitors you will soon be earning enough cash to move onto better things.

Step Four: Making a Living
This is generally considered the 'ultimate goal' for many online marketeers. Many fail at this stage because there are many (I mean thousands) of 'systems' claiming to make you rich overnight. To avoid the worst of these you will need to research the companies you are interested in. The number one rule for avoiding failure is:- do not spend more than you earn. This is the whole point of your hard work up to this point. You do actually want to make money not spend it. There are no get rich schemes. Steady growth is the key to long term success. If you use your head to make any decisions and not your heart then you will not go wrong.

There are people who read this that may say "this is too slow" or "too boring". This article was written to give some idea on how to start in this business without any startup capital. Remember there is no 'free lunch' here. All successful businesses take work. Here I am simply stating that in place of start-up capital or even an advertising budget you can succeed with time and hard work. If you do have some spare cash you can (but be very careful) accelerate the process. It is far more satisfying to build the web traffic yourself, you'll probably find it fun. Posting articles and joining forums can be addictive and you will learn more than you thought possible. Surely that can only be a good thing?

Best Wishes!

Considering a Career in Internet Freelancing

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There are getting more and more people wanting to turn freelancing into a career to make a living. This is because getting into freelancing is a lot more easier nowadays thanks to the Internet. Through the Internet, people can quickly access to the freelance websites and search for hundreds of new freelance opportunities posted every day. This attracted many people become interested to move into Internet freelancing to make money online.

If you are one of those who are thinking about freelancing as a full-time career, there are many things you will have to consider. There are advantages and drawbacks to freelancing and you must examine them all before you make a decision.

As an individual engaged in freelancing, you will have the benefit of working where you want and when you want to. You need not report to an office on a daily basis and you can even choose to decline projects as they come. For this reason, you can do what you like at a time and place that is most comfortable for you.

Because of this, there will be no need for you to engage in any kind of office politics and the only people you will have to please are your clients and yourself. Apart from this, freelancing will give you the freedom to engage in other activities. You can take a class, spend time with your family, or even travel across the globe whenever you want to. Essentially, freelancing gives you the freedom of setting your own schedule and taking full control of your life while making money at the same time.

Being a freelancer has a lot of benefits. However, there are also some major drawbacks. Compensation is usually great for people who engage in freelancing but this is only true when they have a continuous flow of projects. There are plenty of uncertainties in this line of business. There may be times when freelancers aren't able to get any projects for long periods of time. Although freelancing can be lucrative, it does not provide the same stability as you would get if you were permanently employed by a company where you would receive a monthly salary as well as employee benefits.

Contrary to what many people believe, freelancing takes a lot of effort and commitment. Not everyone can make a lot of money out of online freelancing. More often than not, you will have to dedicate your time not only in completing your projects but also in attracting potential clients. You will have to learn how to market yourself and manage your finances on your own. You will also have to entertain potential clients as well as manage your relationships with previous ones.

There is a lot of work involved in freelancing as a full-time career. However, if you are able to manage your time well and you have the ability to do everything required to become a successful freelancer, there is no doubt that you can engage in freelancing as a full-time career, enjoy all the benefits that it brings, and make it a very lucrative opportunity for you.

How to Make Money Online With the Internet Economy

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Guest post by Carael Knight

Did you know the internet economy is so wide open? I mean, it never ceases to amaze me how many new millionaires are created everyday on the internet. The income potential is unlimited, the audience is unlimited and the traffic is unlimited. So therefore, the entire internet economy is unlimited. The whole idea of how to make money online from the internet economy is difficult but simple. Actually it is both simple and difficult. It is simple because all you have to do to produce revenue online is by two things: have something to sell and have the traffic to sell it to. Now, this is where it gets complex and difficult.

There is no "one-set" way to market to the online world. There is no "one-set" way to get traffic to your site(s). There is also no "one-set" way to make money online. Think of it like when you cook "gumbo". You cannot cook gumbo with just only one ingredient, it takes a mixture of ingredients to make it complete. This is the same concept to internet marketing and learning how to make money online from the internet economy. When you think about the internet economy, think of it like "wall street". The only difference is, it is the wall street on the internet. The only way to make money online on the internet is to invest in strictly income generating businesses. The internet is the primary way to create the type of wealth that can be passed on as well as built upon for many, many generations to come.

Due to the how the economy is, a lot of people feel that making money online has been very challenging. But if this is true, then how come the economy does not affect those that are still continuing to rake in a steady, consistent six to seven figure income online every month? It seems to me that the only people that the economy is effecting are those who are blinded to learning how to make money online consistently.

3 Essential Tips For Successfully Making Money Out of Affiliate Marketing

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As soon as you learned what affiliate marketing is and you think that you are ready to start experiencing and putting in your efforts into affiliate marketing, here are some tips that you may find useful in finding success.

1. Study Your Target Audience

Among the most important things to do when starting an affiliate marketing business to make money online is to know who your target audience is. Without this knowledge, you are likely to fail in your efforts to build an affiliate marketing business. Take the time to know not only the demographics of your target audience but also where they go, how they behave, and how they think especially when they are online. This type of information is imperative to your success as it is these insights that will guide you in determining how exactly you should communicate with potential customers. If you communicate with them effectively and through the right platform, you are likely to make money online out of your affiliate marketing efforts.

2. Be Transparent

When you start your affiliate marketing business, be sure that you are transparent with all the details. It is important that you build a solid reputation with honesty and integrity. Although it may be possible for you to make money online by tricking people into trusting your affiliate marketing business, that kind of business model is not likely to last long. Also, you are less likely to make money out of it. For this reason, you must always be honest with your business as well as the products and services you are promoting. People online are more likely to appreciate this and, consequently, they will be more likely to trust you in the future.

3. Choose the Right Program

Probably the most important thing to do to be successful in affiliate marketing is to find the right program for you. Do not simply go for the ones that have proven to be effective in allowing others to make money online out of affiliate marketing. Instead, find a program with products you are interested in and truly believe in. Apart from this, take the time to evaluate each of the available affiliate marketing programs in terms of reputation, products, services, and other information that would be relevant to your decision. As long as you choose the right program for you, you can be sure to make money online out of your affiliate marketing efforts.

Discussed above are just the most basic things you need to take note of if you want to get started in affiliate marketing. As long as you keep them in mind, you can be more confident that you are on the right track.

How To Make Real Money Online Through SEO

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Guest Post by Courtney Tuttle

After making 100% of my money online for the last four years, I have become more and more educated on the process of producing online income. I have made money through blogging, affiliate marketing, and through quite a few other methods. I have created my own products and have been featured on sites all across the web. The honest truth is that none of it holds a candle to making money through SEO. It's dang nice to wake up every day knowing that you're going to get a steady stream of traffic on your sites - traffic that you don't have to buy.

Whether I get out of bed or not, I know that I'm going to be able to make money and I want everyone to have that luxury. I want you to be able to learn how to make money online because if you do, life is going to become a lot easier. I have helped a lot of people to learn this business and hopefully some of my insights will place you on the right track.

The first area where people go wrong is that they choose the wrong keywords. If you are choosing keywords that are too difficult for your skill level, SEO is always going to seem difficult. On the other hand, if you choose keywords that are easy, SEO will seem easy.

Look For Weak Competition

When you're first learning how to make money through SEO, you want to choose keywords that weak sites currently rank for. I personally like to take a look at the PageRank of the pages that rank for keywords that I'm considering. If they have PageRank that's three or less, you know it's going to be fairly easy. If they have higher than PageRank four you know it will be more difficult. It isn't that you can't beat pages that have higher PageRank, it's that it will be a lot more difficult and when you're starting out, you want easy wins.

Look For Value

Another area where people go wrong is that they choose keywords that don't have any value. If you can't make money from a keyword there's no point in getting ranked for it. A great indication of whether a keyword has value is whether advertisers are paying for it with Google Adwords. You can check the CPC in the Google Adwords Keyword Tool to find out how much the advertisers are paying. I usually only try to rank for keywords that have at least $1 for the CPC.

Look For Search Volume

The last area where people go wrong is in choosing keywords that aren't searched for enough. They don't take the time to check search volume for a keyword. The Adwords Keyword Tool will also show you search volume so you should know how much traffic you can get from any keyword. You can plan on getting around 40% of the traffic stated by the keyword tool. I always target keywords that have at least 3000 searches per month, usually more.

Once you have chosen keywords by following the three rules above, you know you have solid keywords and you can set up sites to target those keywords. Use your keyword or something close to your keyword in your domain name (or sub domain name). Use your keyword prominently within the text of the page you want to rank, and most importantly use it in the anchors of links pointing at your page. Getting anchored back links is by far the most important aspect of getting ranked and if you aren't ranking #1 for your keyword it's because you don't have enough links or enough strong links.

This lesson is super basic but I can promise you that if you follow what's here, you'll be able to make money online through SEO and you'll be able to do it again and again.

Black Hat SEO for Beginners

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Stop Being A Victim Of The Search Engines...
"Quickly And Easily Outsmart Your Way To Six Figures Using These Powerful Black Hat Strategies!"
Slap Search Engines In The Face And Grab Top Rankings, Now!
From The Desk Of: Your Name Here

Dear internet marketer.

Let's face it, web traffic is the lifeblood of our businesses and nobody in their right mind would ever dare contradict this. By now you have probably tried all of the latest methods of generating traffic, free and paid for.

Time for a reality check here.

How much better off is your online business now than it was a few months ago? Have you noticed a strange trend, watching your traffic dry up every month, requiring you to constantly go back to step one and start your marketing efforts all over?

I think it may be time for you to learn the very grim truth about the "silent partner in your business" who's getting pretty fat on your back as you do all of the hard work - over and over again.

The Search Engines are cheating you!
You see, not content with the idea of making you pay good money in order to gain their "friendship" and have your ads featured on their networks, the powers behind "organic traffic" are on a mission to starve your business to death.

Fortunately, there are many ways to outsmart the search engines at their own game using speed and stealth techniques, which are all covered in great detail in Black Hat SEO for Beginners.

This little game of power has been going on behind the scenes for years now, and with every new change to these giants' terms of service, webmasters around the world are losing inches of their freedom, and profits.

This silent robbing has already taken many succesfull businesses to the ground, and yours could be next on the list.

Why is it that search engines are allowed to have so much power online? Because they get all the traffic, and whoever has traffic makes the rules in the world "wild west".

They know that as long as people like us are happy with the crumbs, they can keep on changing the rules as they see fit and grow their wallets fat.

And because the search engines have been unfairly given so much power over the last decade, it is now more important than ever that you learn how to apply new techniques to your marketing arsenal that will make your business stand out on its own and regain its authority.

Techniques that will still be working next month as search engines keep adding new loops to their terms of use and changing the rules of the game to their advantage.

But It's For Your Own Good! Or Is It???
Of course, whenever such a change happens they will be quick to justify their decisions with claims such as improvement of the overall search experience for users. Of course these are only half-truths and window-dressing to detract from their real motives; Growing their profits and influence over website owners.

It seems that they have forgotten that long ago, without the efforts and hard work of these unkown webmasters, there would be absolutely nothing for them to capitalize on.

Now they're in control, and secretly manipulating the "user's experience" to steal money from you and force you into dropping all of your profits back into the search engine machine by using their "targeted keyword advertising services" or "premium listings".

Honestly, how it that supposedly helping enhance the "user experience" ?

It is time for online business owners to start following their own rules, and tilt the game back to our advantage, and it can easily be done by implementing a handful of black hat techniques and search engines optimization secrets that Google and the likes do not want you to know about.

Not because these methods are unethical or illegal, but because they are so powerful they could easily give them the death blow they deserve for cheating on millions of honest webmasters over the years.

How To Wrestle With Giants...

Here's the tricky part.

Search engines make the rules and have the power to send your business off circuit with the click of a button.

Of course they're not happy with anyone circumventing their rules and sharing part of their profits and this is why it is so crucial that you learn how to protect yourself and your income from their prying hands first.

Remember, there is absolutely nothing illegal or even unethical about this.

The search engines have been artificially playing with the rules of traffic generation for years, and it's time that webmasters develop a new approach and start leveling the fields, making the internet profitable again for the small guys.

I have spent months researching the best way to fly under the search engines' radar, and spying on people who'd been using these strategies for years.

There was absolutely no way I'd jump into this unprepared, and risk getting hit by another Google slap.

These Black Hat Methods Mean War,
And Search Engines Know It Only Too Well.
Slowly, I've been able to uncover bits of information that all kept adding up.

Even though I had an advantage over the search engines, being a real human sitting behind a computer rather than a specific program designed to spider websites, it was still hard to pin-point and track succesfull black hat website owners.

Not because they are few, but mainly because those guys have taken stealth and made it into a science.

Once I finally got around to it, I was ready to tackle the "Big G" and friends.

After some initial work setting up my new system, I could already see the results pouring in...

Floods of free traffic that soon began to bring me more money that I ever had back in the time when I was dumping my paychecks into paid traffic.

If you have thousands of dollars to waste on traffic this year, and are willing to accept that the search engines are constantly cheating on you as part of your "business model", then please ignore this information and get back to work on your traffic generation.

If, on the other hand, you enjoy the idea of getting swarms of traffic to your websites effortlessly and reclaim full control over the way you run your online business, then I urge you to keep on reading.

It's Time To Claim Your Profits Back!

As I mentioned earlier, implementing black hat marketing techniques to circumvent the restrictive rules that search engines love to put in place in order to steal your profits from you has nothing unethical or illegal to it.

As a business owner, you owe it to yourself to see to your interests first. Believe me, the search engines have been doing it for years.

Black Hat SEO For Beginners will introduce you to the most powerful black hat traffic generation techniques around the internet today.

It will guide you through the complete step-by-step process you need to bullet-proof your business from the search engines' silent "one click" business killer and fly under the radar of your competitors.

It will also cover the different ways you can use black hat to automate your results and watch your business grow faster than ever before by leveraging the secrets of duplication.

This book contains all of this information, and more, conveniently arranged into chapters. I have even made sure to include links to all of the tools and resources you will need to follow the methods outlined in this book.

Black Hat SEO For Beginners Will Help You...

Gain Better Understanding Of The Games Search Engines Play With Website Owners!

Set Up Your Own "Black-Hat" Traffic Funnel That Will Flood Your Websites With Free Visitors Every Month, With Little Or No Effort!

Enjoy Full Advantage From Your Keywords And Keyword Selection!

Keep Your Website And Business Safe From Prying Hands!

Optimize Your Pages For Better Search Engine Ranking!

Quickly Generate Hundreds Of Backlinks To Your Sites!

It Doesn't Matter How "Green" You Are, These Step-by-Step Methods Will Work For You!

Black Hat SEO For Beginners will take your online business to a whole new level once you start applying the techniques and tactics detailed in this book.

Even if you are new to internet marketing and have never paid a single red cent in advertising before (all the better) you will find these methods easy to implement and to start to benefit from.

The beauty behind using black hat techniques to drive traffic to your sites is that you will never have to worry about the search engines making changes to their usage policy anymore.

You will be in complete control of your online business, and who cares if it makes the big guys sad. It's payback time.

You won't find another guide on the market with so many details on how to succesfully move your business to the "black hat" side of the fence, nor will you find all of the great tips provided here to make sure your business stays under the radar.

Place your order today and claim your profits back.

you can free down here

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Caffeinated Content 3.3.7 - Nulled free down

5 评论
This is Caffeinated Content 3.3.7 from Kansieo. A really good plug-in for Wordpress that allows you to pull articles and videos from Youtube + many other places. Probably one of the easiest auto-posting plug-ins to operate in my opinion. It's the newest version for the forum since we only have 3.3.5 nulled:P.

Unzip and you should get the Caffeinated Content folder. Open up your FTP client, go to the WP plugins folder (root directory -> wp-content -> plugins) in the domain you want to use CC on, login your Wordpress domain, go to plugins (top left hand corner sorta), activate Caffeinated Content, go to settings, click on Caffeinated Content, enter in the key:

Email: Anything
Key: bullshit

I'm not even joking about the key, it's really "bullshit". Haven't tried to put random stuff in there but if anyone finds that something else, feel free to post it up here.

HTML Code:

1000% Guaranteed $10-$20 a day - Another Blogs on HomeMade Crack

0 评论
DO NOT READ THIS GUIDE IF YOU DO NOT KNOW WHAT IS WORDPRESS OR HOW TO GET A DOMAIN AND HOW TO DO AN FTP OR OTHER BASIC STUFF I AM SORRY BUT I CANNOT TEACH BASIC STUFF TO PEOPLE. Its rude but this guide is not for newbies, if you donno what is RSS then god bless you but even before that spend some time on google to search and learn. I will ignore all posts asking stupid STUFF, sorry but time = money and I write these sloopy guides for people who have some background knowledge in stuff..

Hello friends!!!

After great response I got for my AutoBlogs, I decided to share this method with everyone. I want to clear few things first, this will take some time before you see the effects but this 100% works and it is in grey zone not totally blackhat if you ask me. Further in my AutoBlogs I said I was touching $3k a month, that is because I have mastered the method to a level that a newbie can't expect right away. I been doing it for 2 years now. So please dont be discouraged if you do not get results at very start but once you learn the basics and make a few, you will see it coming. Further its NUMBERS game not quality but quantity, so if you create 10 of these blogs you will touch more but as you will see this one requires bit of work. Lets get started..

I am sure most of you have legit blogs/sites which you worked hard for months or years and then added Adsense to it in hope that it will convert for you one day, but truth be told your hard work did not pay off, it is not that your blog sucks or you are not getting traffic, its just that people are blind to ads, they are not going to click your ads, you could place them in spots where they can be tricked but even then the CTR will be low.

This is the case with most legit blogs, they have great content, they get traffic but conversions sucks specially in Adsense. And this is true for 99.9% of us. If you are not in the same league then you are god's son and stop reading this guide right now. But if you are among others who struggle to get clicks read on as I show you KILLER Adsense Method that generates HARDCORE CASH.

As usual, my guides will not contain affiliate links or softwares that you have to buy for $1000-2000, nothing of that sort, all the tools are free. Why I am giving this for free? Well I donno but if you like my guides and want to pay me something you can Donate Me LOL I don't mind. But I promise you that, my free guides are almost always 100X better than those $500 ebooks or courses.

The Method

A few months ago, I added Adsense to one of my blogs which I worked 2 years on, for 2 years I added good content and did good white SEO and all other kinda BS. I was happy that I will be making $20-$30 a day LOL. I really had high hopes because my blog was getting 3k uniques a day and had good SERPS. So first few weeks I was making $1 a day LOL that is after changing Adsense color/placement/etc. Months passed and now I was touching whooping $20-$30 a month. I almost cried LOL, because I was pissed, all the investment and hard work I did was not paying back. I was getting 1 cent clicks sometimes I wouldn't even get a click. I thought may be because I just started that is why, I waited another month and I made another whooping $40 lol. I got pissed and removed all the Adsense and decided to cookie STUFF every sucker. All went good I made tons of cash with Amazon, but I was not happy with their payout. So later I decided to remove all the Ads and keep my blog clean.

In short what I am trying to say is that no matter how good your blog is, how good the content is, people are not going to click on your Ads. You can try whatever you want, I am not a newbie I knew all the tricks I tried everything but nothing worked.

So for a week or so, I sat at home and thought how the F**K these other guys are making $5k-$20k a month with Adsense, I knew some had premium adsense others were getting tons of traffic others had better paid ads on their sites, others had good niche. I thought it will take me years to get a site with 50-60k a day traffic. So I went to Google Adsense Success Stories page, I went through all the submissions and success stories of people.

It took me a week or two, but I read all the success stories, all of them started like I did for my blog but they started back in 2002 or so. I realized that my content was as good as theirs but conversions were sucky. After going through all of that SH*T. I realized that most of them were HTML sites or uniquely designed sites, so that gave them the freedom to place Ads anywhere they want and do whatever changes they want. Another thing I found out was not all of them were getting 50k uniques a day some were probably getting 1k-2k uniques a day. But the conversions were so high that they were making $3k minimum.

So I went through their Adsense placement and I found that almost everyone had 300x250 Rectangle Format ads at start of their Post/Article and this was true for almost all of them. Another thing I found out was most of them had these 300x250 just after the end of the article and before the comment section.

I also noted that most of them started with $10-20 a month earnings as well, but they never removed the Ads they kept it and over time the earnings went up. So I thought may be Google actually gives you shitty ads when you first put adsense to throw you off but if you keep it for a month or two then google knows you are serious about Adsense and they check your blog and then they show better paid ads and also your earnings go up.

The Sidebar Skyscraper was around few but 300x250 was the winner without doubt. So I decided to add same format on my 3 years old. I added and then I was touching $2 a day, I was still pissed but I was like who cares $60 a month doesn't hurt and it will hopefully/probably go up in a month or two.

Months passed and my earnings were the same for that blog but during that phase I was doing lots of Auto Blogs and I had Adsense on some of them which was from my friend's account as he didn't care about ban or anything.

I was amazed that he was making $5-$10 a day and this is per blog, we had like 10-20 auto blogs with Adsense. So I was like which blogs are making this, he showed me those. So I went through those and after going through the logs and everything I found out.

First of all, these 10 blogs were almost all on wordpress themes, softwares, gadgets and other technology stuff. I also found out that most of the posts were summary and there was a read more part where they could click to read more and when someone clicked on read more it would just take them back to the post not the ACTUAL SITE with the POST, so anyone who wanted to read the whole thing had to either go back search again or click read more when they clicked read more nothing happened it just took them to the same post url on my blog and it was still a summary not the full post.

At this point I think people got frustrated and just clicked the 300x250 ads. So far so good, but another thing we realized that all the ads were about other softwares/gadgets and stuff on our blog, which indicated that these guys who were doing Adwords were probably paying good money for the ads because their ROI would probably higher. For example someone selling Nikon Camera which goes for $500, they are probably paying at least $5 a click for it or may be more. As it is not another $10 ebook but a good digital camera.

So that was another reason he was getting good clicks. I was still not impressed as he was not getting good amount of traffic. And I wanted to get more clicks and more traffic.

So I came up with an idea. I thought what if I create a technology related blog and did the same thing but with better ads placement and some SEO done on it. I started the blog and hired a guy to just copy paste summary of different gadget,software reviews etc. with a read more..

Soon I started getting traffic and clicks, I was touching really crazy CTR and minimum 0.60cents per click and on average I was making $6 a day with one blog which was receiving only 50 uniques a day LOL. I was amazed, but at same time I was afraid that I might get ban or something. So I hired a writer and asked him to do me rewrites of CNET reviews. With one guy adding the summary and read more from other sources the other guy was producing me rewrites.

Now the blog looked legit and earnings were going high. But it was not far before I found the ULTIMATE Adsense Trick. I thought what if I have just OPTIMIZED KEYWORD RICH TITLE AND TAGS and nothing inside the body so a post with nothing but "Optimized Keyword Rich Title".

So I made a plan, I would go to Google Keyword Research tool and then put my main keyword and get all the related keywords and add them in the tags field. My title would contain the main keyword for example --


Canon 4x Review = Title
canon camera review, canon review, canon 4x review = Tags

Body ==

300x250 Google Adsense

================================================== =

Of course I added more tags at minimum I kept 6 highly related tags, you would be amazed at number of visitors you can get just by adding good tags I have seen my pages rank really high in google for terms that would seem impossible but they are not the actually pages that are ranked but my TAGS, all my tag pages are ranked.

Anyways so I taught my data entry guy this thing and soon I had tons and tons of pages like this. I almost got heart attack when I saw the results after a week. I was getting sickest CTR I have ever seen, I was making $20 from this blog. I was just freaking shocked.

So the trick was having optimized title and tags the rest was just automatic. People were clicking everywhere. I installed crazy egg to actually see what was going on and my Adsense Ads area was all REEED due to all the clicks.

I was scared that I might get banned or something because this trick was just working, and bringing massive cash. I decided to do something different just so my CTR will go down but at same time I will make something reasonable and also not get banned.

So I did the same thing again but this time in my body area I added some stuff only few things like --

================================================== ===

Product Name -Apple Iphone 3G
Author Name or Company Name - Apple
Version - 2
Price - $500.00
Review - not my type of stuff, its alright though, the Apple Iphone 3g is just bit too expensive i guess...


Now to make the blog legit, I started adding 5-10 comments a day myself. I would just put random names and leave comments such as --

1.Not bad I like the screen of this Iphone

2. its bit too expensive for me..I love other apple products but not Iphone..

3. its alright not that cousin has one Iphone but he says its expensive.

4.I love nokia, and iphone is not in my country thx for ur review.


In my comments if you already noticed I left tags or keyterms as well, now you can be more diverse I don't have much time so I write whatever comes in mind. I was writing really well written comments and some sloppy types just to make it look legit. You would be amazed at number of searches u will get from google just because of ur comments and others will leave comments as well...

Thats it. Now I was still touching same CTR and making cash but now I had this 5 lines added which made my blog look legit at the same time I was adding rewrites and other stuff.

Here is a step by step Guide --

1. Pick up a niche, I love technology you get tons of content and there are new things coming everyday. But don't let that stop you from going to other niches, there are tons of other stuff that you can do quick reviews or write 5 lines about. Do not go for mesothomia or forex of investing, these things are waste of time, you will never ever ever get traffic and you will waste your time, go what people search. Like gadgets, health products, book reviews, software reviews, movie reviews, template reviews, plugin reviews, site reviews, dog products, there are tons of stuff but I am really not a NICHE guru, so if you are beginner I beg you first learn basics as I cannot teach you this basic stuff. Go with technology if you can't find anything.

2. Get a domain name, make it short and sweet and keep it .com or .net, do not go for .info its just waste of time. If you want geo traffic then go for or .co.(ur country TLD) so for india it would be

3. Get a hosting - I highly recommend LunarPages I have never had issues with them, they have good uptime and they are cheap $5 a month I get no money for recommending them, you can go with bluehost or hostgator if you want. I find lunarpages cheap and efficient and they never suspend you in case you get lots of traffic they just move you to cloud server.

4. Install Wordpress, I love wordpress it makes the whole thing automated, if you like things done quick and with ease then just use wordpress, it takes few seconds to install wordpress with Fantastico.

5. Get a good looking theme not a spammy one where you can add 10-20 ads, remember one 300x250 is ENOUGH you will make killing. So keep that in mind when going for themes.

6. Install these plugins, I highly recommend these plugins they just make the blog look better and makes things a lot easier.

a. Yet Another Related Post Plugin - This puts related posts after your post, I love this plugin it just keeps the visitor on your blog and you get more chances of getting a click.

b. Easy Adsense - If you do not know how to insert Adsense into your blog, then this is one awesome blossom plugin, all you do is copy paste your code where you want it to appear and this plugin will do the rest. Just make sure you select the option to show 1 ad only and also delete his code, because by default it has the Author's code inside, so delete all of them. You will just need to add your code in the first block and make it align to center thats it.

c. DDSiteMapGen - Generates a sitemap, great plugin

d. Contact Form 7 - Best contact plugin out there, makes things a lot easy.

e. All in One SEO - This is great plugin as well, remember that this will be a blog you will work on, so that your income goes up.

Thats it for now, I will update this section later

7. In your blog add the following pages just so your blog looks legit and not a spammy one -- About Us, Contact Us, Sitemap, Disclaimer

Your About Us will contain info about your site just write whatever you want.

Your Contact Us will contain the contact form plugin code which will generate a contact form.

Sitemap page will contain DDsitemapgen code which will generate a sitemap of your posts.

Disclaimer - will contain a disclaimer, here is a sample one you can use


The information contained in this website is for general information purposes only. The information is provided by YOUR SITE NAME and whilst we endeavour to keep the information up-to-date and correct, we make no representations or warranties of any kind, express or implied, about the completeness, accuracy, reliability, suitability or availability with respect to the website or the information, products, services, or related graphics contained on the website for any purpose. Any reliance you place on such information is therefore strictly at your own risk.

In no event will we be liable for any loss or damage including without limitation, indirect or consequential loss or damage, or any loss or damage whatsoever arising from loss of data or profits arising out of, or in connection with, the use of this website.

Through this website you are able to link to other websites which are not under the control of YOUR SITE NAME. We have no control over the nature, content and availability of those sites. The inclusion of any links does not necessarily imply a recommendation or endorse the views expressed within them.

Every effort is made to keep the website up and running smoothly. However, YOUR SITE NAME takes no responsibility for, and will not be liable for, the website being temporarily unavailable due to technical issues beyond our control.

Copy paste the code in notepad it will read better, for "YOUR SITE NAME" change it to your site name so if its TechReviewer then change it in those 3-4 places.

8. Remove all the default links from your wordpress, by going to edit links and delete all.

9. Link back to 2-3 authority sites in your niche.

10. Create keyword rich categories do not use random categories.

Thats all, I will hopefully update this section as well in the near future.

Once you have your blog all set, its time to add content, you can use my Auto Blogs on Crack methods to leech some content to start with, and then just go to any of sites that is related to your niche and copy paste their first 100-200 lines and post it with appropriate title and tags. You should have about 200 pages by first week. Once that is done, it is time to start doing the trick yourself or hire someone for $10 a month and teach him how to do the things..follow the format I have mentioned.

Hire a writer as well to do rewrites of some content for $1 you can get lots of people from GAF but if you don't want to pay anyone just go to Amazon and search for your niche and then go through products and just copy the reviews done by people, reword it a little bit and you are good too goo, you can also go to other places where people add reviews or comments and copy paste their comments and review just reword it a little bit.

By week 2, you will have 200 posts leeched, posts made by you or by your data entry guy and 5-6 articles a week by your writer.

How to get traffic?

First you have to know that this will be your income generating blog thus you will have to do some basic SEO and work to get it going.

So here are some things to start with -- (not required but recommended for better results)

1. Go to SocialMarker site and bookmark your blog everywhere.

2. Submit your sitemap to google,yahoo and msn

3. Do a directory submission for $8 you can do 100 submissions

4. Do an article submission for another $10.

5.Go to Digg and create an account and find stories related to your niche
then just add your link in the comment section, make sure you write something meaningful before adding your link. Add 1 link a day to at least one story. Start off by adding your link to stories which were popular and which have already been submitted weeks ago. Do one a day. Try to do deep linking and not just to your homepage. If your accoutn gets banned just make another and continue just keep it under radar so u don't get banned.

6. -----------------------------TOO BLACKHAT REMOVED "This is a .gov yo

My brain is not working right now I will add more to this section.

Well thats all, within 1-3 week you will start touching at least $10 a day. All you need is lots of links, do some inlinking as well to improve your link structure. Do not worry about traffic, like i said if you use tags and titles correctly you will get targeted search traffic that will click your ads.

This system will get you clicks no matter what, I have tried tons of legit ways nobody gives a damn about Ads but with this way I have found out that people just click because they don't get enough information.

ps- I will go over the post later once again and add more to it...

pss - If you like my guides as usual please leave me a feedback and also sign up for my newsletter at



Updates --Things I will add

Some Templates that do 500x better than others
Some more plugins
Some more ways to get free links
Some other goodies
Adsense Alternatives

AutoBlogging in Blogger - IMPROVED and Step by Step

0 评论
Hi Friends,
Zohaib Here. So, you aslo wanna know how autoblogging is possible using ?. As it is only initial level of autoblogging in blogger, So i think the process i am going to share is best of today. It can be done in 2 Simple steps. Just Follow these steps.

Step# 1

1- Login to you Account and create a new blog.

2- Then Click Settings > Email and create the email which is shown beside Mail-to-Blogger Address. Your email will be like this

3- Just Below this email setting, Click at Publish emails immediately

Ok Step 1 is DONE.

Step# 2

1- Create a New GMAIL Email ID. (yes! just go and create a new gmail account)

2- Now Join Some yahoogroup of the type of your blog from your new gmail id. (i hope you know how you can join yahoogroup through you gmail account)

3- Forward all the emails of your New Gmail account to the email address of blogger which you have created in Step# 1 (2) i.e:

NOTE= be care full that you are not forwarding more than 20 emails/day to blogger and keep checking your blogger account twice in a month.

Still Confuse ? Post your problems and i will try my best to help you : )

how to living the Dream with AutoBlogs

0 评论
Its been 65 days.
I had created 60 autoblogs in the first 30 days.

My net for as of Dec. 19
Adsense: $1296.22
Kontera: $145.19

First, I have to give mad props to both shylesson and NikhilG. Without their contributions to BHW I would definetly still be stumbling my way around this.

Second, when I explain how I did it below, it's nothing original by me. Everything I did I got from this forum, so if something sounds familure it probably is.

Remember, this is a work in progress and will continue to evolve and change. Feel free to use it, change it, or expand it.


Step 1:


why Autoblogs= $$

Read and download the Wordpress plugins:

Ultimate Collection of Autoblog Plugins/Softwares (Wordpress)

Step 2:

Pick a niche. Very important to pick this before moving forward.

FYI: Mine was/is sweating and weight loss. Why I picked this? My day job I consult at a call center for 2 weeks. In the breakroom, those two subjects were talked about frequently.

Now pick 5 sub-niches for your niche. (You can do this also when you pick out your keywords)

Sub-niche: Non-medical treatments, general info and causes, specific treatment 1, specific treatment 2

Step 3:

Generate keywords. I just used G**gle Keyword tool, but there are tons of great programs out there. I suggest getting at least 30 good keywords.

Step 4:

Laying out your blog farm. My biggest problem is keeping things organized, so I created a form to fill out for a 30 blog autoblog with a linking structure.

Group keywords into your 5 sub-niches

Step 5:

(1) Buy 5 domains that are keyword rich
(2) Get hosting for your sites
(3) create 4 squidoo, blogger, or any other free hosting blogger-type sites.
(4) Create a final target page. This can be an affiliate page, a sales type blog, or anything you want to shove traffic at.

Note: You could just use anything you want for hosting of your sites. You can even just use a mix of free website and blogging services.

Step 6:

Create blogs and link the according to the form. I am not going to go into how to use the plugins listed in NikhilG post since all the information you need is there.

My first couple of autoblogs were horrible, but by the time I got through making all of them my blogs got better and it got ALOT easier/faster.

Note: I also did not see much of anything for the first 20 days or so. Just push on and keep your chin up.

Step 7:

Repeat, interlink your farms, Repeat, interlink your farms, Repeat.

Collect your money within 30-60 days. Longer if you do the check option (like me), but I hope to grow it into a fairly steady form of income.

Ultimate Collection of Autoblog Plugins/Softwares (Wordpress)

4 评论
Ultimate Collection of Autoblog Plugins/Softwares (Wordpress)
Hey, first thing first.. Read this thread fully.. Awesome thread.

So, now Autoblogs == $$$

This thread will be quick, to the point (li'l bit detailed) and full of softwares/plugins.
(Plugins or softwares are basically provided for Wordpress self-hosted blogs, as I don't use blogspot)
(Many of the softwares here, do not have download links with them. In that case, I will urge others to provide with a working and updated download copy.)
(In the last of this thread, an file is provided, which includes the softwares/plugins I could find.)
(A Red "X" indicates the software/plugin is not included in the download, as I was not able to find it. Please Share these, if you can!)

--- Get a handy keyword research tool(s) and hunt for some pretty nice micro niches. Get a whole list of around 100 micro niches.
---BEST TWO softwares to use (IMO):
------ Micro Niche Finder (In the Official "DO NOT SHARE" List ) X
------ Market Samurai (You must purchase this, very frequent updates) X

--- I would prefer HostGator Hosting, and try to install blogs on different class-C IPs, especially if you are using mass blog farms.
DO NOT inter-link on subdomains, even if they are hosted on different IPs.

--- Mass Installers are used to install a whole lotta blog farm in one GO.
--- BEST TWO softwares to use (IMO):
------ Wordpress Mass Installer X
------ Blogslammer X
------ *** BEST *** Use Fantastico inside Your CPanel
------ IMO, only setup a maximum of one blog per day. Thats sorta manageable, and healthy for you.

--- LIST: (Included in PLUGINS folder in
------ Adsense Deluxe - O'course Adsense ads management.
------ Akismet - Spam Fighting.
------ AskApache 404 - Best 404 error page, uses AJAX.
------ Auto Social Poster - Get traffic and backlinks from Social Bookmarking sites.
------ Google Sitemap Generator
------ HeadSpace2 - One of the best TWO SEO plugins + many other features
------ MaxBlogPress Ping Optimizer
------ Eli's PingCrawler - Automatically ping other blogs, when you post.
------ Platinum SEO - Another of the BEST TWO SEO plugins.
------ Redirection - Redirect your 404 pages, or redirect your posts to your affiliate sites/links.
------ SEO Automatic Links - Cross-links your blog posts (within a blog)
------ StatPress Reloaded - best Real-time Tracking plugin for your traffic
------ WP-affiliate - automatically create affiliate links inside your posts, or generate CB links for your keywords on-the-fly.
------ WP Database backup - This is MOST Important. If you lost your database, you are finished.
------ Yet Another Related Posts Plugin - boost your pageview, works with RSS too.
------ CPA Redirector - need explanation for this??

--- The most important aspect of a blog, the CONTENT (Included in CONTENT Folder, ones which are not are marked with a RED "X"):
------ Caffeinated Content - old version 3.31, get content from Yahoo Answers (Patched), Articles, or YouTube Videos.
------ YACG - Yet Another Content Generator
------ Wordpress WriteAgain! - One of the BHW members is selling it for $10. Probably the best (just going to purchase it, has real nice reviews)
------ WP Drip Feeder - automatically drips content into your blogs
------ WP VideoTube - Get videos from YouTube, along with comments
------ Unique Content Maker - Not a Plugin, created by some BHW member, Translates articles with the help of GTranslator.
------ Autoblogged - The name says it all
------ WP-o-matic - Fetch content from RSS Feeds, includes option to replace words, which is useless IMO.
------ My Video Blog - Haven't tested it. But Should be Good for Complete Management of Video Blogs.
------ Unique Article Wizard Plugin - Get articles to your blogs, not preferred for Micro Niches.
------ WP Spinner - Only Content Spinner I would recommend. X
------ Initially, it doesn't matter how much content you generate on the first GO (still try to be low on this), be it 100 post per blog. As Big G indexes blogs slowly. STILL ITS ADVISABLE to generate content slowly, especially one Big G starts indexing your site.
------ IMO, Duplicate content is a Myth, yet its best to be unique.
------ Never update more than 5 posts a day for one blog.
------ Content Creation Frequency and Blog Creation Frequency strongly determines the rate at which your blogs will be de-indexed.

------ Adsense -> Adsense Deluxe (included in PLUGINS Folder)
------ Other than Adsense -> All in one Adsense and YPN (included in PLUGINS Folder)
------ Use Kontera, ContentLink, etc.
--- AFFILIATE Networks
------ WP - affiliate ---> For CB, and others.
------ Any other please share.

--- Basic SEO and Social Bookmarking sites:
------ The plugins that were included under BASIC PLUGINS option, generally do the work for you.
------ Yet, if you favour few blogs more than other blogs in your portfolio use some whitehat or blackhat SEO promotion for it. Dont ask me how? USE THE SEARCH BUTTON!!!
------ Seriously, I have no knowledge on that. Search on BHW how to do this, e.g. what are effective blog farms linking strategy and etc.

--- Never use same ad units for all of your autoblogs. Imagine Big G raising his eyebrows for 1000 or more instances of same ad.??
--- Try to make your blog farms growth appear to be organic and smooth. NEVER RUSH or GET DE-INDEXED.
--- Use different Class-C IPs to host blogs.
--- While posting content, try to upload a maximum of 4-6 posts a day.
--- Anything else, I forgot??

This is from one of the threads while I was reading it:
If you want to take this one set further what I do is install Wordpress MU so you can have subdomains for nichies. Break it down and use this plugin to build a mass subdomain auto blog. I know with Hostgator on a reseller account you need to ask them to set the wildcard DNS for you. But then upload this badboy a boom! Get as many sub domains as you want.
and then use: Google Sitemap for WPMU

LASTLY, I have included some toppings on the dish - Three Premium Themes (I am sure they are already up, but just wanted to add to the value (Can be found inside
1. Thick
2. One Theme
3. Open Air

So, in the end, this post took me nearly an hour to write, upload etc etc.
Must get some real nice Thanks.

1. Content Plugins:
2. Basic Plugins:
3. Unique Content Maker
4. (Including Themes - Thick, Open Air, and One Theme)
My upload rate is very low, wait for this one :p

why Autoblogs= $$

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I have a few autoblogs...because I like them. I have one that I set up one day and have done no promotion with. It auto posts articles and youtube videos and I am steadily increasing in organic traffic each month. It's been up for about 4 months and now up to 200 uniques a day. Not bad for no promotion whatsoever. So I thought I'd let ya'll know what I use for plugins and you can add your better ones and even better theme. I get clicks daily and I'm not even using a adsense optimized theme [I want my blogs to look natural enough and not clouded to the extreme with adsense] so i'm sure you guys can do better. I'm averaging 50c-$1 a day per blog after about 2 months of letting them sit so I'm sure you can get better if you start promoting right away.

I use the unique article wizard plugin for posting articles, but for more obscure niches, you are going to want a different autoposter as this I have noticed is only best for popular/broad niches. I use the wpyoutube plugin [the free version as each blog is a mix, and not strictly a video blog] to post youtube videos automatically. I use the Platinum SEO plugin and load my keywords that I pruned from Keyword Elite into it along with a keyword rich title and description. I use the YPN-Adsense plugin to automatically add adsense to my posts in random spots so the people do not become ad blind to my ads =P.

On some of my blogs I use more plugins while on others these are the only ones I use. I don't show ads on my homepages for any of these blogs and I still get clicks within the posts. Perhaps I would get more if I put them on my homepage, but again, I like to keep the blogs halfway decent like so people stay on them longer.

I do no promotion whatsoever with these blogs. I don't even put their links in my sigs or do bookmarkings...nothing. I have it now where I can set up one of these blogs in an hour or less and forget about them. Autoblogs are great for adsense earnings because they do all the work for you once you put the initial effort in. $30/month per blog is not bad either for no promotion.

Just thought I'd let some of those people having trouble with 'direction' for their autoblogs. =D



Wordpress autoblog. Copyright 2008 All Rights Reserved Revolution Two Church theme by Brian Gardner Converted into Blogger Template by Bloganol dot com