Saturday, August 1, 2009

Resolved Question: Does Anthony Watts know he's been debunked?

For those who don't know, Anthony Watts is a meteorologist who has put together a network of volunteers to go around rating the surface temperature stations used by groups like NASA and NOAA to measure the global surface temperature (or at last, the temperature in the USA). Watts suggests that too many stations are located in poor places (near buildings, concrete pads, asphalt, etc.) to be reliable due to the 'urban heat island' effect. NOAA and NASA claim they filter out these kinds of effects.

Apparently there's a “Climate Crock of the Week” video series on YouTube. Recently, they did a piece on Watts and NOAA. The piece covered a recent NOAA report which used Watts' own data to prove the "bad" stations and "good" stations have almost identical data.

The video was auto-scrubbed by YouTube after Watts claimed the video broke YouTube’s copyright rules. The video has since been reviewed by a number of US copyright experts and there appears to be nothing that could be construed as anything but fair use. You can see the video for yourself here (I highly recommend it).

One 'skeptic' wrote “I have to admit it doesn’t look good for the skeptic side when something gets scrubbed like this. Watts loses some stature here unless he can post something convincing about why he did it on his blog. Silence won’t get it done.”

It's standard procedure for YouTube to remove a video when somebody complains of copyright infringement. Do you think Watts exploited this loophole because he realized the video debunked the whole purpose of his site? Now that Watts' surfacestations project is worthless, what relevance does he have?
This isn't the first time this kind of analysis has been done. The 'best stations', 'worst stations', and GISTemp show the same trend.

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